
Showing posts from October, 2022

October 31 - November 4

   *Weekly bonus - Memorize the Scripture verse 5 points/week On Thursday at the beginning of class, students will be given the opportunity to write out or recite the Scripture verse for the week *This week's verse is John 14:6 Pre-Algebra Sections 3.1-3.4 Homework Monday Homework 3.1 1-13 odd & 10 Tuesday Homework 3.2 1-23 odd Thursday Homework 3.3 23-39 odd  Algebra I      Lessons 3.4 (cont.) -3.5 and Review Graphing Linear Equations Homework Monday Homework Practice 3.4 23, 37, 39, & 45; Review 3.4 2 & 14 Tuesday Practice 3.5 1-5 odd; Review 3.5 1 & 7 Thursday Homework pg 114 1, 3, 5, 13, 17, 21, 29 & 37 Tuesday - Quiz Sections 3.2-3.3 Algebra II Lessons 2.5-2.6 Homework Monday Practice 2.5 21-43 odd green block; Review 2.5 13-23 odd green block Tuesday Practice 2.5 problems odd 21-43 green block: Review 2.5 odd 13-23 green block Thursday Practice 2.6 17-29 odd green block; Review 17-23 odd Geometry...

October 24 - October 28 - Updated 10-27-2022

  *Weekly bonus - Memorize the Scripture verse 5 points/week On Friday at the beginning of class, students will be given the opportunity to write out or recite the Scripture verse for the week *This week's verse is John 11:25 Pre-Algebra Chapter 2 Review; Sections 3.1-3.2 Homework Tuesday Pg 93 Homework 2-20 Even  Thursday - Test on Chapter 2 Algebra I      Lessons 3.2-3.4 Homework Monday Practice 3.2 1-25 blue block odd & 28 & Review 3.2 1-9 blue block odd Wednesday in Class Practice 3.3 5-23 blue block odd & Review 3.3 1, 5 & 9  Thursday Practice 3.3 29-39 odd & Review 3.4 2 and 8 Friday Practice 3.4 1-5 all, 7, 15 & 17; Review 3.4 1, 3, 7 and 13 Tuesday - Quiz on Section 3.1 Algebra II Lessons 2.4-2.6 Homework Monday Practice 2.4 21-45 odd green block; Review 2.4 15, 17, 21 Wednesday in class Pp 97-98 1-43 odd green block Thursday Practice 2.5 21-43 odd green block; Review 2.5 13-23 odd green block Friday - Quiz on Sections 2...

October 17 - October 21 - Updated

  *Weekly bonus - Memorize the Scripture verse 5 points/week On Friday at the beginning of class, students will be given the opportunity to write out or recite the Scripture verse for the week *This week's verse is Mark 8:34 Pre-Algebra Lessons 2.5-2.6 and Chapter Review 2B Homework Monday Homework 2.5 1-21 odd Tuesday Homework 2.5 23-45 odd Thursday Homework 2.6 11-21 odd Friday Homework Page 93 1-19 odd Quiz on Tuesday 10/18/2022 for sections 2.1-2.3 Algebra I      Lessons 3.1-3.3 Homework Tuesday Practice 3.1 1-6 & Review 3.1 1-5 odd Friday Practice 3.1 9, 11, 17, 21 &25 Test Monday 10/17/2022 Algebra II Lessons 2.2-2.4 Homework Monday Practice 2.2 1-29 odd green block; Review 2.9 1-15 odd green block only Tuesday Practice 2.3 1-17 odd green block; Review 2.3 1, 5 & 9; Page 606 #1 Friday Pg 95 Practice 2.4 1, 5, 11, 15 Quiz on Tuesday section 2.1 Geometry Chapters 13-14   Homework Monday Page 161 #1-6 all Friday Pages 174-175 1...

October 11 - October 14 - Updated 10/13/2022

*Weekly bonus - Memorize the Scripture verse 5 points/week On Friday at the beginning of class, students will be given the opportunity to write out or recite the Scripture verse for the week *This week's verses are Psalm 117:1-2 (the entire Psalm) Pre-Algebra Lessons 2.3-2.4 and Chapter Review A Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Tuesday Homework 2.3 1-13 odd Thursday Homework 2.4 1-23 odd Friday Homework Page 79 1-16 all Algebra I      Lessons 2.9 continued and Chapter 2 review for test Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Study chapter 2 for test on Friday Thursday Review of one-variable linear equations pg 90-91 39-63 odd Test has been moved to Monday 10/17/2022 Algebra II Lessons 2.1-2.2 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Thursday Practice 2.1 3-35 odd green block only; Review 2.1 5, 9 & 13 Friday Practice 2.2 1-2...

October 3 - October 7

BONUS opportunity for all classes up to 50 points Due on 10/3/2022 by end of day Paper on the following: 1) Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 2) Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) 3) Feast of Tabernacles (Chag HaSukkot or Sukkot) Length needs to be appropriate to the grade level, minimum 5 paragraphs A list of key words and Scripture references are on the board in the classroom *Weekly bonus - Memorize the Scripture verse 5 points/week On Friday at the beginning of class, students will be given the opportunity to write out or recite the Scripture verse for the week *This weeks verse is John 13:34 Pre-Algebra Level Up 2.2 and Lessons 2.3-2.4 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Tuesday Homework 2.3 1-13 odd - will be done in class on Wednesday Thursday Homework 2.4 1-23 odd Algebra I Lessons 2.9 and Chapter 2 review for test Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Monday Section 2.9 Practice 1-7 ...