February 27 - March 3
*Weekly bonus - Memorize the Scripture verse 5 points/week On Friday at the beginning of class, students will be given the opportunity to write out or recite the Scripture verse for the week *This week's verse is Matthew 12:8 Pre-Algebra Chapter 6 Section 6.1-6.2 and Chapter Review A Homework Tuesday Homework 6.1 1-15 all Thursday Homework 6.2 1-15 all Friday Homework Chapter 6 Review A 1-7 all Algebra I Chapter 6 Sections 6.5-6.8 and Review of Polynomial Classification & Multiplication Homework Monday Practice 6.5 1-23 odd; Review 6.5 1-11 odd blue block Tuesday Practice 6.6 1-19 odd; Review 6.6 1-9 odd blue block & Quiz Thursday Practice 6.8 1-15 odd; Review 6.8 1-9 odd blue block Friday Review of Polynomial Classification and Multiplication 1-31 odd Tuesday - Quiz Section 6.1-6.4 (take home) Algebra II Chapter 4 Sections 4.8-4.9 Homework Monday Practice 4.8 33-47 odd green block; Review 4.8 11& 13 & Quiz Tuesday Pra...