January 21, 2025 Snow Day Packet
January 21, 2025 assignments iXL has been assigned to every student for Math. For Spanish, either print and complete the worksheet or write out the answers on a piece of paper. Mastery score in iXL is 80. You may work to 100, but at 80 you will get full credit for the assignment. The assignments are as follows: 7th Grade Math Skill 27R - Decimal number review Pre-Algebra Skill EMM - Convert rates and measurements: metric units Algebra I Skill UFG - Solve one-step and two-step linear equations: word problems Geometry Skill 59F - Distance formula Algebra II Skill AFH - Sort rational and irrational numbers Advanced Mathematics Skill 5YS - Divide polynomials using long division Spanish I & II Ir + a + infinitive worksheet (link below) Ir + a + infinitive worksheet