
Showing posts from September, 2022

September 26 - September 30

BONUS opportunity for all classes up to 50 points Due on 10/3/2022 by end of day Paper on the following: 1) Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 2) Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) 3) Feast of Tabernacles (Chag HaSukkot or Sukkot) Length needs to be appropriate to the grade level, minimum 5 paragraphs A list of key words and Scripture references are on the board in the classroom *New weekly bonus - Memorize the Scripture verse 5 points/week On Friday at the beginning of class, students will be given the opportunity to write out or recite the Scripture verse for the week *This weeks verse is Matthew 4:17 Pre-Algebra Lessons 2.1 - 2.2 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Tuesday Homework 2.1 1-17 odd Chapter 1 Test Monday Algebra I Lessons 2.7-2.9 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Monday Section 2.7 Practice 5, 11, 17, 27; Review 2-16 even Tuesday Section 2.8 Practice 1-15 odd; Review 1, 5, 13 Th...

September 19 - September 23 - Updated 9/20

  Pre-Algebra Lessons 1.11 (cont.)-1.12 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Monday Homework 1.11 19-35 odd Tuesday Homework no homework Quiz on Tuesday  - Ratios, proportions, fraction arithmetic. Chapter 1 Test Friday Algebra I Lessons 2.4-2.6 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Monday Practice 2.4 1-19 odd; Review 2.4 1-19 odd Tuesday Practice no homework Thursday Practice 2.5 and Review 2.5 Questions marked in Blue Friday Practice 2.6, 1-11 all  Quiz on Tuesday - Sections 2.1 to 2.3 Algebra II Lesson 1.5-1.8 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Monday 1.7 1- 25 odd Tuesday Homework Practice 1.7 2-26 even Thursday Practice 1.8 1-31 odd, Review 1.8 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15 Friday Practice 1.8 33-55 odd, Review 1.8 17-25 odd Quiz 3 on Friday - Trinomial factoring Geometry Review Unit 1 Chapters 1-6 Chapter 7-9 Continue wo...

September 12 - September 16

Pre-Algebra Lessons 1.8-1.11 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Monday Homework 1.8 1-19 odd Tuesday Homework 1.9 1-25 odd Thursday Homework 1.10 1-25 odd Friday Homework 1.11 1-17 odd Quiz on Friday  - Ratios, proportions, fraction arithmetic - moved to Tuesday next week. Algebra I Lessons 2.1-2.4 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Tuesday Practice 2.1 1-21 odd Thursday Practice 2.3 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 21, 25, 30-33, 37-41, 43, 45 Friday Homework - Practice 2.4 1-19 odd - because of pictures, moved to Monday Algebra II Lesson 1.4-1.8 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Monday Practice 1.4 43-67 odd Thursday Practice 1.5 1-16 odd Friday Practice 1.5 17-29 odd - worked in class Quiz 2 retake Tuesday Geometry Chapter 4-6 Continue working on speed and accuracy of math facts Homework Monday Construction worksheet Tuesday Pg 66 1-5 Thurs...

September 6 - September 9 - Updated

  Pre-Algebra Lessons 1.6 - 1.9 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Tuesday Homework 1.6 1-21 odd Thursday Homework 1.7 1-23 odd Quiz on Friday  - Factoring, Greatest Common Factor, Least Common Multiple Algebra I Review Lessons 1.1 to1.9 Lessons 1.10 Chapter Review Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Tuesday Homework Review 1.10 1, 6, 9, 18, 20 (related to quiz) Thursday Review of Algebra Basics 1-53 odd Friday Review of Algebra Basics 2-54 even Quiz on Wednesday (sections 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8) Chapter 1 test moved to Monday September 12 Algebra II Review Lesson 1.3 Lessons 1.4 Continue working on speed and accuracy of addition and multiplication facts Homework Thursday Practice 1.4 13-41 odd Quiz 1 retake on Wednesday Quiz 2 on Friday (sections 1.3) Geometry Review Unit 1, Chapter 2 - 3 Unit 1, Chapter 4 (bring compass and graph paper to class) Continue working on speed and accuracy...