At Home iXL Assignments - Due January 22nd

Each class has 4 iXL assignments to be completed by January 22nd.  You will find the skills to be done in your math recommendations.  

7th Grade
Add and subtract mixed numbers - 9BE
Add and subtract mixed numbers: word problems - 6YT
Multiply fractions - PDK
Divide fractions - X7A

8th Grade
Area - ZZY
Calculate mean, median, mode, and range - HDX
Mean, median, mode, and range: find the missing number - Q77
Convert rates and measurements: metric units - EMM 

9th Grade
Simplify variable expressions involving like terms and the distributive property - ZXX
Solve two-step linear equations - QAK
Solve multi-step linear equations - 2AN
Solve linear equations with variables on both sides - 7S7

10th Grade
Area and circumference of circles - ZDX
Area of trapezoids - MP6
Area of rhombuses - 8WQ
Converses, inverses, and contrapositives - N5P

11th Grade
Count lines of symmetry - M7U
Reflections and rotations: write the rule - MP6
Sequences of congruence transformations: graph the image - WHW
Rotational symmetry - ERP

Algebra II and Advanced Mathematics
Individual assignments have been made for Algebra II and Advanced Mathematics.

Both Algebra I and 11th Grade Geometry will have a test the next day that there is school.


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